Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mannatech - Dr. Budweiser Hawkins

Why Mannatech You Ask?

Why Mannatech

Our Intelligent SupplementationSM philosophy

Our researchers and scientists ask the question: What does a body need for optimal health?
Then we search the world for the best ingredients. Our goal is making products that will help maintain optimal health at the cellular level, thus improving your quality of life.

The Science of Wellness

Pollutants, questionable farming practices, stress - these factors increasingly contribute to a growing healthcare crisis. Around the world people from different cultures, backgrounds and walks of life often face the same issues - a decreasing quality of life and wellness. But there still is time to help guard yourself against these dangers.
Mannatech has championed revolutionary discoveries designed to help boost your body's ability to stay healthy. Inspired by aloe vera saccharide research and the exploding field of glycobiology, Mannatech developed the first glyconutritional dietary supplement, Ambrotose® complex, in 1996.
The aloe vera research showed that ingestion of a saccharide present in aloe vera gel could positively impact the immune system. The glycobiology studies showed that sugars attached to proteins on cells-glycoproteins-profoundly affect human function, including immune system function and cell-cell-recognition. Further studies went on to show that oral ingestion of certain sugars could impact glycoprotein synthesis. Polysaccharide research, particularly the interaction of these molecules with human physiology, is currently an area of intense scientific focus. Undoubtedly more understanding will be generated in the years and decades to come.
Mannatech's glyconutrient products apply concepts from the rapidly emerging field of glycobiology with biologically-active polysaccharide technologies. Ambrotose® complex is a blend of plant saccharides, sources of sugars designed to support glycoprotein synthesis and immune system function.
You may not be receiving these beneficial saccharides in the right amounts from the food you eat. That's where Mannatech offers hope. Mannatech leads the industry in glyconutrient technology around the world and strives to offer better solutions for global health.

Breakthrough Technology
Mannatech products are at the cutting edge of nutritional science. They are designed to offer unique capabilities based on proprietary technologies. The breakthrough innovation found in many Mannatech products is the technology related to our Ambrotose® complex, which is designed to provide the supplemental glyconutrients (the scientific word for "carbohydrates" or "sugars" generally missing from our diet but necessary for optimal health in humans.
To consumers, the basic building blocks of nutrients are well known: essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. What Mannatech has discovered is a brand new category of important nutrients: glyconutrients. Following our initial breakthrough discovery, Mannatech filed patents across the globe. Mannatech has now been issued patents in 30 countries, including the United States. Securing its position of leadership, Mannatech dedicates approximately 30 employees to its science department, and continues to develop new technologies, review research, and conduct studies. 

Science Leadership
Mannatech's Science team is committed to finding convenient, effective supplements.

Commitment to Quality
Mannatech is proud to serve as the "gold standard" in the industry.

Quality Compliance

Having quality products is the keystone of a quality company.
That's why we take every measure necessary to ensure our products meet the gold standard of quality for our industry.

Depend on Mannatech Products

Setting the highest standards for every aspect of product quality is a continuing process at Mannatech-all the time and every time. When it comes to product quality and value, we are proud of our achievements.
Consistently meeting or exceeding customer product expectations is among Mannatech's foremost goals. While we continually strive to keep up with the latest technological capabilities, we will never compromise our quality standards. At Mannatech, the term "good enough" means meeting those standards at the 100-percent level.
We have a comprehensive quality system based on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs). We maintain strict control over every product as it passes through all phases of manufacturing, packaging and distribution.
Mannatech's Quality Assurance process encompasses biologists, chemists and technicians, all of whom receive frequent training to update their knowledge. All actions involving product lots are fully documented, and no product ever leaves Distribution until it has been thoroughly checked and rechecked

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Road to Give for Real with Sam Caster, Mannatech

The Financial Crisis and Global Health Report

As a consequence of the financial crisis in OECD countries, the world risks the most
serious economic downturn
cost of food and fuel are estimated to have tipped more than 100 million people back
into poverty. The challenge facing the world now is to prevent an economic crisis
becoming a social and a health crisis.
since the 1930s. The impact of earlier increases in the
case, the crisis began in the industrialized world; it is therefore possible that the
full effects have yet to be manifest in developing countries. At the same time, for
the many low-income countries that have been facing chronic financial shortages,
hardship is not new.
their situation may get even worse as they are affected by the downturn, and through
causes which are not of their own making.
Earlier crises in the 1980s and 1990s started in developing countries. In the currentA grave human crisis is already happening. The problem is that
required emergency assistance from the International Monetary Fund, where spending
restrictions may be imposed during loan repayment. Many developing countries are
in a far better fiscal position than they were in earlier crises, and most will continue
on a path of economic growth, albeit at a slower rate. However, those that depend
heavily on donor funding in health risk facing a decline in aid receipts. Populations
in those countries affected by or emerging from conflict, with few financial reserves,
weak institutions and damaged infrastructure, are especially vulnerable. Others,
particularly small island developing States, have to face an economic downturn while
coping with the imminent impact of climate change.
Some countries are at particular risk. These include developed countries that have
through loss of income or housing – that will be hardest hit. Identifying
In high- or low-income countries, however, it is the poor – and those made poorvulnerableis as important as identifying vulnerable countries.

Here Is A Snippet Of The Global And Health Crisis

All countries will be affected, but some will be affected more than others

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mannatech - Give for Real In Action

SugarMums~Works With A Company That Is Compassionate

In 11 years, we've provided more than 23 million servings of nutirtion and impacted more than 1000,00 children in 83 countries.


Öur mission is to bless orphans and children around the world with the love of god through nutrional support designed to improve the quality of life and health. It all started with the simple act of giving. In 1998 founders Sam and Linda Caster donated to an orphange organization based in Romania. When the directors of the organization thanked the Caster's for their contribution, they expressed their growing concerns for the children in their care. Malnutrition was taking it's ruthless toll on their live. In despiration the directors said ïf you know anyone that can help us in this problem, please let us know". With the worlds most advanced nutritional and wellness technolgoy at their fingertips, Sam and Linda donated a one year supply of nutrient support. One year later, the directors came back wnating more and out of the direct need, MannaRelief was born. Eleven years later with thousnads of people around the world joining together, we are addressing the problem of malnutrition for children everywhere".

Do you want to work for yourself, and be a part of a company that is assisting to create relief for millions of children suffering with malnutrition around the world?

Join me and become an entrepreneur and join us at SugarMums.
Help yourself to help others, your family and millions of malnourished children around the world!

This is an exciting chance to create your own home based business by joining an exciting passionate team, with proven success. Now is your chance to be a part of this success to assist millions of chidlren to strive towards their optimal health and a life they deserve.